Aging in Chile

Chile, a nation of 19.2 million, is one of the oldest in Latin America. The United Nations projects that by 2050, its share of older people will rise to 31.7 percent (from 17.4 percent in 2020), meaning that nearly one out of every three people will be over the age of 60.

The national government has increasingly made this massive population shift a priority; its primary agency dedicated to the needs of seniors, the National Service for Older People (SENAMA), focuses on policy change, as well as building a variety of age-friendly initiatives and partnerships. The vastness and diversity of Chile’s geographic makeup oftentimes requires more grassroots, community-focused solutions to meet the needs of aging residents, and municipalities are afforded a high degree of autonomy to develop and implement their own programs. There are 161 locations across the country that are members of WHO’s Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, the most in Latin America. With a high rate of internet penetration and connectivity (the highest in the region), Chile continues to leverage its well-developed ICT infrastructure to enhance the lives of its older population, particularly during the pandemic.


Expert Perspective

Dignity and Quality of Life: Prioritizing Aging Issues in Chile

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