Latest Resources on the topic of Age-Friendly Communities

Building a Better California for All Ages and Abilities

Building a Better California for All Ages and Abilities

  • By: Kim McCoy Wade, Director, California Department of Aging
  • Dec 01, 2021

In early 2021, California launched its bold 10-year Master Plan for Aging. The Master Plan provides an inclusive and equitable framework for transforming aging for individuals, families, and communities as the changing demographics inevitably shape the future of California.

Age Friendly Towns in Ireland

Age Friendly Towns in Ireland

  • By: Emer Coveney, National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland
  • Dec 01, 2021

Developing Age Friendly Towns revolves around the ethos that if you design for the young, you exclude the old, but if you design for the old, you include everyone.

Maine, Worth a Lifetime

Maine, Worth a Lifetime

  • By: Janet T. Mills
  • Sep 01, 2020

"Maine has the oldest population in the nation. If you, like some, react to that fact with sympathy for our graying state, I invite you instead to see it as we do: a unique opportunity."

Guiding Massachusetts Toward an Age-Friendly Future

Guiding Massachusetts Toward an Age-Friendly Future

  • By: Charlie Baker
  • Jan 23, 2019

In April 2017, I established the first ever Governor’s Council on Aging in Massachusetts to provide advice on how we can promote healthy aging. Like most states, our population is getting older.

Planning Age-Friendly Cities across the Globe

Planning Age-Friendly Cities across the Globe

  • By: Stephanie Firestone, Mildred Warner, Xue Zhang
  • Jan 23, 2019

Urban planning as a field has failed to acknowledge our complicity in creating communities that are exclusionary; unless we acknowledge the problem, we will not be able to rectify it.

Age Friendly The Hague

Age Friendly The Hague

  • By: Holly Schulz
  • Jan 23, 2019

Located on the banks of the North Sea, The Hague is the seat of government of the Netherlands and known as an international city of peace and justice. The city is also working toward becoming an age-friendly leader, creating an environment that fosters independence and vitality.

Age-Friendly Akita City in Action

Age-Friendly Akita City in Action

  • By: Stephanie Firestone
  • Jan 23, 2018

Akita City’s Age-Friendly City Plan features action by both government and citizens themselves. The “active aging” citizen plan promotes age-friendliness at stores and other facilities, in part to fight isolation of the elderly, and offers public awareness campaigns to dispel the negative image of aging.

Los Angeles Ages Into Excellence

Los Angeles Ages Into Excellence

  • By: Eric Garcetti
  • Jan 01, 2017

"All of these efforts are moving us forward in a city where older adults are already treasured and active participants in our civic landscape."

New York: First Age-Friendly State in the Nation

New York: First Age-Friendly State in the Nation

  • By: Andrew Cuomo
  • Jan 23, 2018

Since 2011, my administration has been fighting to make New York more equitable for people of all ages. Over the past seven years, New York has become a national leader in creating clean, livable, and sustainable communities by pioneering multifaceted programs that support aging in place, coupled with an unparalleled suite of smart-growth reforms that directly support AARP’s eight domains of livable, age-friendly communities.
