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AARP’s Age-Friendly Network: Catalyzing State and Local Leadership for a More Livable Future for All

  • By: Danielle Arigoni
  • October 01, 2020

"Even before the pandemic hit, the value of pursuing a more 'age-friendly future' was evident."

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Maine, Worth a Lifetime

  • By: Janet T. Mills
  • September 01, 2020

"Maine has the oldest population in the nation. If you, like some, react to that fact with sympathy for our graying state, I invite you instead to see it as we do: a unique opportunity."

FlexDanmark Optimizes Scandinavian Software Solution to Deliver Efficient, High Quality Transportation to Its Citizens

  • By: Jana Lynott
  • January 23, 2019

In October 2018, AARP’s Office of Policy, Research and International Affairs staff Jana Lynott and Kim Sedmak traveled to Denmark for a study tour and video shoot of the successful FlexDanmark transportation system.

Growing Older in Cities: Addressing the Twin Challenges of Ageing and Urbanization

  • By: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Alana Officer
  • January 23, 2019

For the first time in history, most people can expect to live to age 60 or beyond, although major inequalities in life expectancy persist both across and within countries.

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Guiding Massachusetts Toward an Age-Friendly Future

  • By: Charlie Baker
  • January 23, 2019

In April 2017, I established the first ever Governor’s Council on Aging in Massachusetts to provide advice on how we can promote healthy aging. Like most states, our population is getting older.

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Planning Age-Friendly Cities across the Globe

  • By: Stephanie Firestone, Mildred Warner, Xue Zhang
  • January 23, 2019

Urban planning as a field has failed to acknowledge our complicity in creating communities that are exclusionary; unless we acknowledge the problem, we will not be able to rectify it.

Social Protection for Older Women

  • By: Isabel Ortiz and Florian Juergens
  • January 23, 2019

"While women’s disadvantage in older age is mainly a result of discrimination throughout the life-course, the design of gender-sensitive pension systems is essential.”

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Age-Friendly Akita City in Action

  • By: Stephanie Firestone
  • January 23, 2018

Akita City’s Age-Friendly City Plan features action by both government and citizens themselves. The “active aging” citizen plan promotes age-friendliness at stores and other facilities, in part to fight isolation of the elderly, and offers public awareness campaigns to dispel the negative image of aging.

An Interview with Sōichirō Takashima

  • By: Sōichirō Takashima
  • January 23, 2018

"...we were the first city in Japan that started providing free Wi-Fi in the subway and at all of our tourist destinations in Fukuoka. We have also been able to launch various efforts based on numbers and data, including the application of big data. These are the technologies that will allow us to create a sustainable society that can handle the aging population efficiently. "

Foresight in an Aging World

  • By: Claire Casey and Bradley Schurman
  • January 23, 2018

"Foresight into the pace and shape of this transformation allows for a much needed rethink of the role of adults in our communities and economies, with the recognition that a healthier, more productive and engaged population is essential to building a prosperous and sustainable future."

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