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AARP Newsmaker Interview with Dr. Mary Ann Tsao

  • By: Mary Ann Tsao
  • January 23, 2018

"Another issue is that older people in Singapore frequently do not seek care, and may not accept care even when offered. Being part of the community and having social capital in the neighborhood helps reluctant elders accept services more easily. "

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Age-Friendly Akita City in Action

  • By: Stephanie Firestone
  • January 23, 2018

Akita City’s Age-Friendly City Plan features action by both government and citizens themselves. The “active aging” citizen plan promotes age-friendliness at stores and other facilities, in part to fight isolation of the elderly, and offers public awareness campaigns to dispel the negative image of aging.

Aging and the Sustainable Development Goals — SDG3 Universal Health Coverage and Human Resources for Health

  • By: Justin Derbyshire
  • January 23, 2018

The third SDG is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for people of all ages. In the context of rapid population aging, the focus on all ages is significant, as it is a welcome lever with which to focus policy makers’ attention on the need to adapt health systems to meet the needs of older constituents now and in the future.

An Interview with Sōichirō Takashima

  • By: Sōichirō Takashima
  • January 23, 2018

"...we were the first city in Japan that started providing free Wi-Fi in the subway and at all of our tourist destinations in Fukuoka. We have also been able to launch various efforts based on numbers and data, including the application of big data. These are the technologies that will allow us to create a sustainable society that can handle the aging population efficiently. "

Bridging the Gap — How the Global Council on Brain Health Delivers to the People of the World What Science Is Telling Us about Brain Aging 

  • By: James Goodwin and Sarah Lock
  • January 23, 2018

In spite of the many thousands of research papers, publications, books, and media reports about dementia and cognitive decline, there is still wide misunderstanding among the general public about brain health and aging.

Foresight in an Aging World

  • By: Claire Casey and Bradley Schurman
  • January 23, 2018

"Foresight into the pace and shape of this transformation allows for a much needed rethink of the role of adults in our communities and economies, with the recognition that a healthier, more productive and engaged population is essential to building a prosperous and sustainable future."

From the CEO: Preparing for an Aging World

  • By: Jo Ann Jenkins
  • January 23, 2018

"The time has come to create a new mindset around aging — a new way of thinking about possible solutions to help us age better."

Identifying Policies and Best Practices to Reduce Inequality in Later Life 

  • By: Angel Gurria
  • January 23, 2018

Poverty among older persons in the United States is already a challenge today — more than 20 percent of those over 65 have income under the poverty line, compared with less than 13 percent on average in OECD countries. 

Liquidity and Sidecar Savings

  • By: Will Sandbrook
  • January 23, 2018

"People tend to manage their money in distinct “jars” for distinct goals, either literally or metaphorically. It could be a savings jar for a deposit on a house, a jar for monthly bills, or a jar for funding travels we plan to undertake when we finally retire and have enough free time."

Livable Communities for All

  • By: Nancy LeaMond
  • January 23, 2018

As it turns out, whatever our age, we ALL want the same things: safe, affordable housing and transportation options; good health for ourselves, our loved ones and our environment; opportunities to learn, support our families and enjoy our lives; a connection with our neighbors and a government that is responsive to our needs.

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