AARP International

Equity by Design

Prioritizing housing & communities that are safe, affordable, and facilitate multigenerational interaction

KARIKA / Kenya

AARP interviews Elijah Mwega founder of the Kenyan Aged Require Information, Knowledge, and Advancement (KARIKA)

Future of Work Megatrends Live

Join our new webinar series

Unleashing the Economic Potential of Older Women

This issue brief by FP Analytics, with support from AARP, focuses on the economic challenges facing older women across the world, and the opportunities and dividends presented by their greater economic inclusion. Learn More

AARP The Journal Presents Brazil:Velha Guarda and the Legacy of Brazilian Samba

All schools are required to include a wing of the Velha Guarda, who are seen as the embodiment of the soul of a school, and its heritage. These older members help to preserve musical traditions.
In fact, many are experienced musicians who have recorded with famous samba artists.
Learn more about Aging in Brazil

How Growing Geographic and Racial Disparities Inhibit the Ability to Live Longer and Healthier Lives

AARP in collaboration with leading researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) has embarked on an exploration of these geographic disparities in life expectancy at mid-adulthood. Our first report, entitled How Growing Geographic and Racial Disparities Inhibit the Ability to Live Longer and Healthier Lives, provides a national-level analysis (1980-2014) of life expectancy data matched with geographic markers, and additional health data from the African American community.

AARP International
What we do, we do for all

AARP International engages global stakeholders to change how we look at aging and enable people everywhere to pursue their goals and dreams.

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